Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection 'F' (2015)
One peaceful day on Earth, two remnants of Frieza's army named Sorbet and Tagoma arrive searching for the Dragon Balls with the aim of reviving Frieza. They succeed, and Frieza subsequently seeks revenge on the Saiyans.
Tadayoshi Yamamuro
Akira Toriyama (manga), Akira Toriyama (screenplay)
Masako Nozawa, RyƓ Horikawa, Hiromi Tsuru
Story line
After The god of destruction Beerus decided to not destroy the Earth, the planet is back again in peace. But, Sorbet and Tagoma, previous Freeza's servants, decide to revive his leader using the Dragon balls. Succesful in his plan, Freeza decides to return to Earth to start his revenge against the saiyans who humillated him once.
User Reviews
The Dragon Ball film experience I've always wanted.
This movie is fantastic. It does almost everything right and it's one of the most entertaining animated films I've ever seen.
Resurrection 'F' is action packed and freaking' hilarious. It perfects the mix of action and humour and creates one heck of a ride. The weaker characters finally get their moments in the spotlight and it is so good to see characters such as Roshi and Tien throw down.
Goku and Vegeta are the stars here and this movie includes some of the best interactions between the two characters, it's great to watch. Frieza is back and he's just as awesome as you remember him. There's a reason why this guy is the best Dragon Ball villain and one of the most iconic villains of all time and you see that reason in this film.
The animation is, hands down, the best the series has ever looked. An excellent mix of hand drawn and digital animation. Incredible use of cinematography that makes the viewer feel as if they are within the fights. It has an awesome soundtrack and includes a head- banging insert song that'll be stuck in your head for weeks.
Watch this movie. Dragon Ball fan or not, you need to see this. It's awesome.